Knowledge is Power
As a community, we continue to hear about accidents and deaths related to drunk driving. It is especially sobering when you know people who have lost family or friends this way.
As a community, we continue to hear about accidents and deaths related to drunk driving. It is especially sobering when you know people who have lost family or friends this way.
Sometimes legacies are a surprise. The notice from The Office of the Register of Wills stating that the Community Foundation was named as an interested party in the estate of Calvin Murray was routine.
On this Veterans Day, we pause to honor and remember all the brave men and women who have served in the United States military. Frederick County has lost numerous warriors. Their selflessness has created legacies when they were much too young to have one but earned it through the ultimate sacrifice of giving their life for their country.
We most often think of legacies as something left behind by those who have lived long, productive lives. Sometimes, though, legacies are created by some who are much too young.
Each year, the Community Foundation recognizes several people from Frederick County who are selfless in their contributions of time, energy and talents because they want to make difference in the lives of others.