Founded by friend William H. Browning, Jr. to support the Harp Medical Center and its mission to provide medical services and healthcare education in Middletown Valley.
Middletown resident Gloria Grossnickle may have been petite, but her nickname ‘Stretch” was well deserved. When she and other Middletown residents realized the lack of a medical facility in their community was causing hardship for residents, they filled this need by founding the Dr. J. Elmer Harp Medical Center. Ms. Grossnickle played an important role in the Center’s establishment by serving as secretary on the Harp Medical Center’s Board. It was a position she would hold for over 25 years. Founded by long-time friend, William H. Browning Jr., The Gloria M. “Stretch” Grossnickle Memorial Fund supports the Harp Medical Center and its mission to provide medical services and healthcare education in Middletown Valley.