Founded by husband Marvin E. Kennedy, Sr. for Frederick County Historic Sites Consortium.
Bertha Kennedy was a pivotal member of the Frederick community. She was civic-minded and involved with various organizations, including the Frederick County Board of Election Supervisors, the Francis Scott Key Memorial Foundation, the Maryland Federation of Republican Women, the Mamie Eisenhower Library Program, AMVETS Auxiliary Post 2, the National Hospital, Veterans Administration Volunteer Services, Sacketts Unit 30, Maryland Department of AMVETS auxiliary, the Historic Sites Consortium, Frederick County Humane Society, Citizens Nursing Home, and the Sheriff’s Advisory Board. She organized events such as Flag Day and Frederick County’s 250th Celebration. Upon her death, her husband established The Bertha J. Kennedy Memorial Endowment Fund. This Fund honors Mrs. Kennedy’s life by supporting the activities of the Frederick County Historic Sites Consortium, an organization for which she extensively volunteered as a docent.