Existing Funds


Items 25 to 32 of 62

SSGT. Michael McCauley Foundation Fund

Founded by parents J. Scott and Debra Kemp McCauley to provide grants and scholarships. Learn More

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Carolyn D. McGolerick Scholarship Fund

Founded through Ms. McGolerick's estate for students studying library science. Learn More

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McSherry Family/Woodsboro Bank Scholarship Fund

Founded by Woodsboro Bank to honor James McSherry's 49 years of bank service for tuition assistance to St. John Regional Catholic School students. Learn More

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Kathy J. Meagher Memorial Scholarship Fund

Founded by husband Rick Meagher and children Kathryn, Emily and Matthew for area students affected by cancer. Learn More

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Meals and More Fund

Founded by David L. and Kathryn D. Schey as a donor advised fund. Learn More

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Memarsadeghi Family Fund

Contributions are being accepted in memory of Farhad Memarsadeghi. The Memarsadeghi Family Fund is a grantmaking fund established by the Memarsadeghi family at The Community Foundation of Frederick County to support humanitarian causes, the arts, and education. Learn More

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