Community Foundation Announces FY2025 Strategic Grant Application and Training Session

FREDERICK, MD – June 21, 2024:  The Community Foundation of Frederick County will accept applications for its FY2025 strategic grant program from July 15 through Aug. 15, 2024.

The FY25 strategic grant cycle will award funding to programs related to the Community Foundation’s strategic initiatives based on the two most recent human needs assessments. These grants aim to address the 2019 strategic initiatives of supporting families with children, preparing for an aging population, and responding to substance use disorder. Preference will be given to applications that address the 2022 emerging areas of need that include supporting access to affordable housing, addressing mental health needs, and alleviating disparities in service delivery.

Applications will be accepted through the Community Foundation’s online application system. Those interested in learning more are invited to attend a virtual strategic grant training session on Wednesday, June 26 at 11:30 a.m. Learn more about the application and register for the training at

Eligible organizations must be in good standing and certify as one of the following: a 501c3 nonprofit; a government agency applying for an extraordinary project that is not funded by tax revenue; a religious organization requesting funding for non-sectarian activities; or a civic group that is not a 501c3 requesting funding for a community cause.